Burning (Man) Love

All smiles, all the time. That’s how I would describe Kaitlin. From the first moment I met her, to the last hug I gave her on her wedding day, she was this positive ray of sunshine throughout the entire wedding planning process. 

We had multiple coffee shop planning dates. Kaitlin always got a shot of espresso, and she always offered to buy my coffee for me. She was never in a rush to get the meeting over, but rather, we took our time planning and talking about her and Andrew’s beautiful life that they had already created together. Burning Man was a hot topic during the planning process. It was where Kaitlin and Andrew met, and they wanted to incorporate that part of their love story into their wedding day. Well, they found a pretty incredible way to do so…

Kinsculpt is a group of artists in Bend, OR that just-so-happened to create an incredible art piece which made its debut at Burning Man in 2022. The sculpture, named Fleur de Lux (flower of light), represents gathering, creativity, and community - also a great way to describe Burning Man. Kailtin and Andrew wanted the sculpture at the wedding. What an amazing way to show all the people they love where they started!

We worked with Black Butte Ranch on logistics, and found a way to make it happen: the Fleur de Lux would be in the background of the lawn all day for Kaitlin and Andrew. It was truly so magical. Watching Kaitlin walk under the sculpture as she made her way down the aisle to Andrew was like watching a scene from a movie. And as the day continued, everyone wanted a photo beneath the flower. As darkness fell, we figured out why the sculpture was named “flower of light” - each of the 8 petals has multiple multicolored panels with hundreds of LED lights. Watching the Fleur de Lux light up and move independently as the night was coming to an end was a magical way to end this wedding day and send Kaitlin and Andrew off into their next chapter together. 

Fun fact: Kaitlin submitted her and Andrew’s love story to the New York Times. It was published shortly after they got married.

It’s your day. And I know you probably hear that all the time and it has become redundant. BUT SERIOUSLY. It’s YOUR freakin’ day. Do whatever you want, serve whatever you want, play whatever music you want, and incorporate whatever art sculptures your heart desires. Kaitlin and Andrew were such a great reminder to me that weddings are not about how much money a couple can spend or how well planned the wedding day was; rather, weddings are all about representing who the couple is and the love that surrounds them on their wedding day.

Photographer: Four Eyes Photography


Go Zags!


Time To Pull The Plug